Facing History and Ourselves

For many years, the Palm Beach Fellowship of Christians & Jews has been providing full scholarships to outstanding teachers in Palm Beach County to attend the Facing History and Ourselves (FHAO) summer workshop, “Holocaust and Human Behavior." The scholarships are named for the late Herbert C. Lee, one of the founders of the Fellowship.


The information, training, and inspiration that the teachers bring back to their classrooms, schools, and community are invaluable to them personally and professionally, and dovetail beautifully with the mission of the Fellowship. With Holocaust Studies a mandated but unfunded part of the State of Florida’s curriculum, the Fellowship understands the importance of providing these tools to local teachers to continue the work of not only Holocaust education but combating social injustice and unjust discrimination of all kinds.


Palm Beach County educators who registered for the Summer 2022 FHAO session:

Racquel Allen-McGrowder, Tradewinds Middle

Allison Duchene, West Boca Community High

Farah Francois-Upperman, LC Swain Middle

Krista Gage, St. Mark's Episcopal School

Alison George, The Benjamin School

Nicollee Inguagiato, The Benjamin School

Tzionah Kirschner, Omni Middle

Towanda Little, William T. Dwyer High

Helene Marshall, William T. Dwyer High

Joseph Mayerchak, Omni Middle

Michael Palmgren, The Benjamin School

Widnie Sainvil, A.W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts

Sen Scherb, The Benjamin School

Vanessa M. Smith, Somerset Academy

     Canyons High

Eugenia Smith, St. Mark's Episcopal School