2024-2025 Season
(July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025)
Our deepest appreciation and thanks to the following contributors (as of February 7, 2025).
Join others in the community who are committed to the mission of the Fellowship. Download the membership application or contact info@palmbeachfellowship.net to request one by mail or email.
We gratefully acknowledge the generous support of the following charitable foundations and contributors:
Mary Alice Fortin Foundation | Palm Beach Country Club Foundation | West Palm 100
Add your name here!
David Minkin Foundation
Patsy & Donald Mintmire
Debora Weinstein
Maura Ziska & Eric Christu
William A. Meyer
Leslie & John C. Randolph
Linda & Skip Aldridge
Nancy Yanofsky & Ed Brown
Kathleen & Lew Crampton
Edith Hall Friedheim/
Eric Friedheim Foundation
Allison & Stuart Haft
Lori & Richard Jabara
Zelda Mason
Kristy & Grier Pressly
Leslie & Ronald Y. Schram
Fran & Ron Terwilliger
Connie & David Thomas
Susan & Bob Wright
Susan & Harvey Bazaar
Jennifer & Michael Buczyner
Mary Ann Ehrlich
Arlette Gordon
Richard Kleid
Bridget & Tim Moran
Giselle Anna Parry
Ann & Michael Small
Diane Buhler & Eric Lieberman
Barbara & Edward Callahan
John David Corey &
Miguel Rosales
Margaret Donnelley
Leslie & Stan Godoff
Deborah Hale & Charles Hagy
Karen & Martin List
Carole & Dan Pichney
Deborah & Ed Pollack
Carol Price & Warren Belmar
Karly & Heath Randolph
Judith & Roland Stenta
Ellen J. Bernstein
Jenny Cyker
Rabbi Loring J. Frank
Judy Goodman
Barbara James
Sylvia James
Tami Lesser & Craig Glover
Annette & Rabbi Joel Levinson
Chris McDermott
Julia Murphy
Roberta Frost Rosenthal
John Rothberg
Jean Sharf
Linda Wartow
Lori Ackerman
Amelia W. Carter
Vera Chapman
Maureen Conte
Mary Cooney
Marie Bloom Deckert
Robert G. Donnelley
Allen Dubbrin
Marsha Gilbert
Lillian Glass
Josephine Gon
Sharon Gregory
Cynthia Hertz
Mary Ierardi
Martin I. Klein
Eleanor LaGamba
Stephen Lindsay
Gregory T. Maddock
Elaine Meier
James B. Murphy III
Sally O'Connor
Stephanie Ribakoff
Wendy Roberts
Lois Shepetin
Rhona Shugarman
Phyllis & Herbert Siegel
Robert W. Slater
Patsy Spero
Ethel J. Steindl
Suzanne Turner
Susan Van Pelt
Phyllis Verducci
Palm Beach Fellowship
of Christians and Jews
Post Office Box 507
Palm Beach, Florida 33480
(561) 833-6150
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The Palm Beach Fellowship of Christians & Jews is dedicated to promoting fellowship, understanding, and respect among all religions and cultures; bringing the community together through education, dialogue, and interaction; and addressing issues rooted in intolerance, antisemitism, and unjust discrimination.